1.Each set has a designer logo. The logo MUST be on the same page as the set and be linked back to http://stormsinger.freeservers.com. All other graphics, including seamless backgrounds and snowglobes, must have a logo linked back on the same page.
2.No alteration is allowed, except to blank buttons which are provided in some sets.
3.The sets are exactly that-SETS. They are designed to be used together, so please don't mix and match. Most of the buttons have an "edge" which matches the background, so you would be unable to do so anyway.
4.If an artist credit is given, you MUST use that also on EVERY page!
5.Child-safe sites only!
6.Personal homepages only! Commercial sites may contact me for more information.
7.Not required, but it would be nice if you could e-mail me with your URL, I'd love to see how you use the sets!!