.f Thoughts On Spirit

Hello Thoughts On Spirit

This page was originally intended to be in a Spirit Contest, but with one thing and another, it never was entered. However the thoughts presented to me by all these wonderful Site Fights staff members HAD to be shared. And then I thought, why not ask EVERYONE what they thought....when I read these entries, I get a warm, fuzzy feeling inside...imagine how I'd feel with a whole guestbook of warm fuzzy feelings.....so PLEASE, read the answers I recieved and then, feel free to add your Thoughts on Spirit to my Spiritbook....and may the Spirit of The Site Fights be with you always.....

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A Spirit Page can be many things, adoptees, spirit flowers, cheers, awards and great graphics! I thought I'd ask the people who've been around the Fights a while what was Spirit, really. So I tried to contact ALL the teams, to see "What Spirit Means To Me." In recieving and posting their responses I learned a lot more about what Spirit means to me....Read on and see what YOUR Team Leader thinks.....and then please post your own Thoughts...a true Book of Spirit....HUGZ to you all....

The Spirit of the Site Fights is an amazing energy. You can feel it when your here...at the fights! It is like a big family and you can really get caught up in it! I enjoy the friendships I've made at the fights and I love to share the Spirit!
What spirit means to me: Spirit is being there for your friends, offering support and all around friendship.
Lady Bird, Soaring Eagles Lead Fairy
To me spirit is like a tiny flame inside you that warms your heart. If tended with love, friendship and kindness, it grows brighter and brighter and gives you courage, compassion and confidence. It shines through the clouds to lead you along your way.
D'Harlequin, Team Leader, DJesters Royale
Spirit is different things to different people, but most of all it is an attitude, a way of being, and a way of living. It is friendship and friendliness, an attitude of giving, fun and helpfulness. It is a willingness to share yourself with someone honestly, and a willingness to accept the gift of someone else sharing who they are. It is marked by tolerance and acceptance of others, even when they are different. In TSF, it goes beyond team loyalty and the drive to win, although they can be a part of it all. It's sharing the experience and having fun and being open to learning more. Anyone can be driven to doing more and becoming someone important, but how many people are driven to being more and being someone people can some to with their hearts? Above all it should be remembered that spirit is more than a background on a page. When you have true spirit it shows in all you do, not just on a page on the web.
Queen Lothlindorie, the Seryn Isle Elves Team Leader
So what does spirit mean to me??? The spirit of the sitefights is the togetherness that we share.....the unity of being a part of something very special and the feeling of great accomplishment when we achieve our goals. It's not whether you win that counts.....it's the fun you have and friendships you make while you are trying to get to the top!!! The spirit of the sitefights is so amazing......it overwhelms me to have so many friends from all over the world who although we've never met, we share a common bond. The spirit is getting involved, it's not about winning or losing, it's about involvement and making new friends. It's about eking out as much fun and excitement that you can possibly get from everything that the Site Fights has to offer and it's about sticking together as a team and helping your teammates achieve their goals.
DQueen, Team Leader, DQueen's Pharaohs
What the Spirit Is to Me..
The Spirit of the Site Fights is something you feel whenever you're showing your pride for your team - perhaps at Shout it Out, or when you visit your teammates and supporters and root them on. Spirit is found everywhere you can go and participate in events, and whenever else you show you're having fun! Spirit is showing that you're a good sport about it, no matter who's winning the votes. The Spirit is very special, because you can share it. It doesn't take much - just a smile, a spirit stick passed along the way, or a vote for a friend.
DMermaid, Phoenix's Warlords Head Assistant

What Spirit means to me: The Spirit of the Fights, comes from all the friends we meet, the pride we take in our sites and our teams,cheering each other to be the best they can, knowing that winning isn't everything. But the friendships we make along the way is everything!
DQueen of Hearts, Team Leader of DMadd Hatters
What Spirit is to me, it's a feeling that is personal but so wonderful it's begging to be shared. Like a shout of joy and happiness into a crowd, it's something that spreads easily with a snowball effect gaining more and more spirit as it goes! Like the smile of a child on Christmas morning it's as bright as the brightest star but it's wonderful to see and never hurts your eyes. Spirit is a lot of things but most of all it's what makes The Site Fights a family and it's the ribbon that binds us all together!Keep the spirit!
DHalo, co-leader DAngelWing Flyers
What is spirit? It would probably easier to tell you what spirit is not, but I'll try to answer. It is the vital essence of what makes us who we are. Everyone has it, it's just that not all of us knows how to show it. It's what's on the inside - we just have to learn to let it out.
DPhoenix, Team Leader, Phoenix's Warlords
Spirit to me is the joy of helping fighters learn and gain their own spirit. I dont think spirit can be defined really. It is just that a spirit, a feeling that comes over you when a fighter or other tells you you helped them so much. Have you ever just sat a smiled so big at your computer screen over an email that you were sent from a fighter or teammate? Thats spirit!
DFantasy, The Fantasy Fighters Team Leader
Spirit is what is inside....it's making the long lasting friendships, showing pride for your team, and mostly having fun with what is offered. Spirit conquers over all and the true winners of The Site Fights are the ones who know the spirit!
DLionTamer Ringmasters Leader
Spirit Means Love and Friendship , Sharing and Giving , And Making Friends and Having Fun to me that is True Spirit =)
D'Snowkitty, DTigers Team Assistant
And the best for last...hehehe....

Describing the Spirit....is Like trying to describe Love.. Its like a sense... you really can't touch,see,or hear..., but you can...feel it when it hits you See its effects on yourself and others.. listen to it in peoples thoughts... You know when its there...and you feel good about it...being there You just can't describe it..: ) Dman

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(I only ask that you try to keep the images down so that the Feelings come thru.....)

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